If you believe in magic – Magic will happen

A Magic Story to Tell

In march 2017 we came for a visit to this magical place after some friends told about it.  We got invited to have a sound session in the pyramids of the moon and we got asked just before we went in, if we had a wish to bring with us.

We looked at each other, as we knew EXACTLY what we wanted to wish for. Our wish was to make magic with relaxation therapy indonesia, the two of us, so that we could become three, and share life with another beautiful soul.
We had some trouble making this dream come true, so it was a really big wish for us. From the deepest parts of our soul.

We both went In to the pyramid with open minds and hearts and had the most amazing experience.  Not only did we both have some magical and very colorful dreams, but we both envisioned the delivery of a little child, from a place that seemed far away, but filled with lots to tell.  Almost the same dream, which in it self is beyond amazing.

We went out happy and peaceful.  For practical reason, the magic couldn’t really happen before some weeks from the session, but we hoped that the energy from the pyramids would give us some luck.

We went home from Bali and 1 month later, we found out that a new little life was growing inside of me. We couldn’t stop smiling and we were sure that our trip to the land of gods, had helped to make our dream come true.

After a couple of months we went to the hospital to get the birth date, and with the natural period of mine, they already had put a date for when he should be ready to join us.  But we got other news after the scan, which didn’t make sense for the doctors…. But for us it did.  The date was matching our visit to the pyramids!!!

Sometimes, things just can’t be planned the way you thought it should:)

But, to be honest, we found it a little funny as well, so a couple of weeks later, we went to another scan in another clinic, as our boy was older and they could give a better picture of when he arrived in the belly and when he should be ready to join us outside the womb…. But again, they put the date on the EXACT same one as before!!!

We almost couldn’t believe it, but now there was no doubt.
I got pregnant on the day we went to the pyramids!!
How magic and beautiful is that??

A new sparkling dream started in our hearts, and we used quite a lot of time, talking about that Bali should be our home for the future, as little Elliot was made on Bali and that we felt something was calling to us. But time ran by and we got busy with all the excitement for the little magic boy to arrive.

A couple of months later, Little Elliot was ready to join us, and he got born at home, in water, in front of the crackling fire and a sparkling Christmas tree on Christmas morning, the 25th of December.

But just as he was born, we got a clear message from the universe to keep up on our new dream.
The first song that came on the playlist after he was born and laying in my arms, was a Balinese temple song! I need to mention that it was a 7hr playlist and only 1 balinese song on it. We looked at each other and started laughing! That was a really clear sign.

Our home should not longer be in Denmark, but in Bali

So in September, we will be back, the three of us. Back to Bali, and back to the magical pyramids.

This time we will bring in another wish. The wish for the universe to help us to make a move to Bali possible. And somehow, we are positive, that this will happen, before we even know it. And we can’t wait!

If you believe in magic - Magic will happen!

See you soon

Love and happiness
Mark, Christina & Elliot
